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Divorce Lawyers – Crucial Help at Stressful Times

Have you decided to split from your spouse? If you are facing a marital collapse, emotions may be running high. It is normal to have feelings of stress and difficulty when there is a family break up, even though you may all realise that it is the right decision. During this tough time, a divorce lawyer in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney or Perth can be invaluable. People who hire divorce lawyers obtain much more than legal advice – they also gain emotional and moral support, and an objective point of view.

A good lawyer will guide you through the process and help you with the paperwork required for the divorce (plus any agreements regarding maintenance payments, property division, and custody arrangements.) He or she can also act as a buffer between you and your spouse, reduce stress, and encourage cooperation wherever possible.

Divorce can be painful, but a lawyer can help you to begin a new -- and better -- chapter of your life.
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 Family Court of Australia

There are times when a divorce case involves very complex matters. Consulting with a divorce lawyer in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, or Perth may be the help you need to get through it all. These complex cases may be determined at the Family Court of Australia.


There are two areas where the Family Court is often asked to make a ruling. These are:


  •         Complex financial cases
  •         Cases that involve allegations of abuse or abduction of children



Financial Cases


The financial cases heard in Family Court may be complicated due to the valuation of complex interests in trusts or corporate structures, complex jurisdictional issues, or complex issues concerning superannuation. Often multiple expert witnesses are called.


Parenting Cases


Cases that involve abuse against children are very difficult, and can encompass a range of allegations. Family Court will hear cases that include children who have become involved with an Australian child welfare agency, cases where there exist any allegations of sexual abuse or serious physical abuse, and cases where family violence and/or mental health issues are known or alleged. Other reasons for a hearing in Family Court include cases where multiple parties are involved, cases where court orders are sought to prevent a parent from communicating with or spending time with a child, complex legal or jurisdictional issues, cases with special medical procedures required, cases of international relocation, and cases of international abduction under The Hague Convention.


Going through a divorce can put an enormous amount of stress on a family. Don’t go in it alone – consult with a divorce lawyer in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney or Perth – and set your mind at ease!

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